A Sage Perspective
A lifetime spent ensuring we have clean, safe drinking water.
Dennis J. Webb
Since 1978, Dennis has delivered proven and measurable technical, marketing, and sales management successes to utility and aerospace organizations. Currently, Dennis provides water positive outcomes for large utilities requiring multiple technologies and on international projects. Specifically, Dennis specializes in water management in Latin American sales and operations. His expertise in flow measurement and similar experience in Aerospace electromechanical equipment gives Dennis the unique perspective to produce brilliant results.
Established successful sales and distribution networks in México and continues development in Latin America and the Caribbean with new company engagements.
México City, México, 1992 – 1994
Quality Assurance and Engineering project management for delivery and deployment of 500,000 water meters and automated communications.
City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, 1995 – 1999
Technical project management delivery and deployment of 156,000-unit joint vendor (Badger Meter and ITRON) project.
City of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2006 – 2009
Created scope of work and program plan for deployment of 165,000 units.
Sage Water – 2014 to present
Global Water Center, Milwaukee, WI
Water-based consulting company created to assist start-up companies in the creation of viable business models
Scope of work includes entrepreneurial investment, sales engineering, manufacturing engineering, quality engineering, teaching, and acquiring knowledge in water management.
Badger Meter, Inc. – 1985 to 2014
Milwaukee, WI
Global water measurement and instrumentation manufacturer
Rose through a series of promotions culminating as the Vice President Customer Solutions with a focus on international water projects. Took the opportunity to expand technical, quality assurance and manufacturing flow measurement experience
2008 to 2012 Vice President Sales for the North America, México, Caribbean, and Latin America
2005 to 2008 Vice President Sales, Marketing and Engineering with a primary focus selling Water and Industrial product applications in the Americas
1993 to 2005 Vice President, Engineering and Quality
1988 to 1993 Vice President, Quality
1985 to 1988 Quality Assurance Manager
Significant achievements
Implemented ISO 9001 quality and reliability programs
Spearheaded design and construction of a state-of-the art engineering and research facility
Managed several new key product developments which positioned the company for substantial growth
Lockheed Martin – 1984 to 1985
Orlando, FL
Global aerospace and defense electronics and systems manufacturer
Quality Program Manager. Implemented quality management program based Mil-Q-9858A quality standards.
Gould Inc. – 1982 to 1984
Racine, WI
Global manufacturer of factory automation and motion control equipment
Director of Quality Assurance. Created quality management program based Mil-Q-9858A quality standards.
Eaton Corporation – 1974 to 1982
Milwaukee, WI
Global technology leader in aerospace relays and circuit breakers
Held several positions including production engineer, design engineer, engineering supervisor, and quality assurance manager. All operations managed in a Mil-Q-9858A environment – the precursor to ISO 9001.
Bachelors of Science, Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Major: Materials
Additional college courses to support and maintain technical and quality assurance requirements
AWWA (American Water Works Association)
Past chair, Milwaukee section, ASQ (American Society for Quality)
Past chair, Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee (STEM Forward)
Village of Wauwatosa Business Improvement District, past president
Urban Laundry LLC, owner
Harwood LLC, owner